Business Processes (BPM)

The Business Process (BPM) tab is used to create or modify an existing workflow. 
Navigation Path:  Workflow>Setup>Workflow
Business Processes (BPM)

System Level

Select the Project, Program, or System level that the workflow is going to be used for. 


Select an existing template (to modify) or click Add Template to create a new BPM.

Template Name

Enter the new template name

Associate With

Select the record type(s) this workflow will be associated with.  If "Any" is the association, the workflow will be available for selection in any PMWeb record.


Click the Save icon to save the BPM record.

Roles & Worfklow Steps

Drag and drop the roles from the left to the right under the workflow grid OR click add under the workflow grid.  See options for the workflow step in the Define Role Step sub-section.
Once all information has been entered, click Save and Exit.

Add Branch

Click to create a branch rule (example if a contract is >50k route to the Director).  This is similar to the APM rules but does not require the creation of multiple workflows.  Select the record type, enter the rule ID, rule name and action (branch, final approve etc.), then click save.  Select the field you wish to apply to the branch rule (contract value, category etc.), then drag and drop that field to the expression section. Select the operator (greater than, equal to etc.) then enter the value (ex. 50,000).  Click Save and Exit.

Visual Workflow Designer

Click to create your workflow in the designer view (drag and drop roles, steps etc.)  You can also design by following the steps listed in #4.

BPM Manager

The user designated as the BPM Manager can edit the record after it is finished (approved, withdrawn, rejected etc.) 

Visual Workflow

This provides a flowchart or picture of the process you created in the grid above.

Roles & Names

To have the workflow step display the name of the Role, select "Roles". To have the workflow step display the Name of the User assigned to the workflow step select "Names".