
The Attachments tab allows the user to attach unlimited files/links to a specific record or a line item within a record. Virtually any electronic file can be used as an attachment, including emails and other PMWeb records.
Attachment types include:
- Link to other PMWeb records,
- Documents in PMWeb Document Manager,
- Any URL,
- Documents in SharePoint sites,
- Emails,
- Documents you upload directly.


Click to edit files attached to the record. To edit, highlight the item then click edit.


Click Add to add an attachment.
Option 1:  Add an Existing Document from Document Manager:
1 - Click on Document Manager to link a document that currently resides in Document Manager (note you can
also click Document Manager on the screen above).
2 - Click Browse to locate the document in Document Manager.
Select the file by dragging and dropping from the left side to the right side of your screen, enter a Description then hit Save.
Option 2:  Add a document from your computer:
1 - Click Upload to attach a document that resides on your computer.
2 - Click Browse to locate the document on your computer. Click on the file you wish to attach, then click Open.
3 - Click Save. Once clicked, the document information (name, type, etc.) will be displayed.
4 - If you wish to upload more than one file at a time, click Select. Select multiple documents by using the shift
key, then click Open.
5 - Once all files are uploaded, click Save.
Option 3:  Add a document from a line item within your record:
1 - Click the attachments hyperlink on the line item.
2 - The View Attachments window opens.  Click Browse to locate the document on your computer. Click on the file you wish to attach, then click Open.
3 - Click Save. Once clicked, the document information (name, type, etc.) will be displayed.
4 - You can also drag and drop files in the View Documents window.  Select the files to upload and click Drop Files Here to Upload.
5 - Once all files are uploaded, click Save & Exit.

Document Manager

To attach/link documents that have already been uploaded to the document manager either click Add and follow the instructions
in section #2 or click on the Document Manager link and click Save.

Link PMWeb Records

Click to link records (Issue Paper, Insurance Register, Contractor Invoice, etc.) that already exist in PMWeb.
Once clicked, a list of existing records will be displayed. Drag the items you wish to link from the left hand side
of the screen to the right hand side. Once all items are selected, click Save.


Click to delete one or more attached files. To delete, highlight the item then click delete.

PMWeb Viewer

 Click to open attachments/view attachments in the PMWeb Viewer module. This module also allows markups to the document.


Click to refresh the attachments tab.

Download Files

Click to view/download all attachments and links.


Click to manage layouts (e.g. Item, description fields, etc.)