Click to Add a new building/sub-location.
Building Info.
Location: Select the location of the building/sub-location.
Building: This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb.
Name: Enter the name of the building/sub-location.
Operating Project: This field will automatically be populated by PMWeb based on the operating project selected in the location.
Status: Select a status. If a workflow is configured, PMWeb will update this field automatically.
The linked information (in grey) is populated by the data entered in the space record. Click on on the +,-, x, = to calculate the actuals. See the calculation section for details (under locations).
Enter building information (address, associated personnel etc).
Enter latitude/longitude. This information will be viewable, displayed in reports.
Tags: Click on the blue hyperlinks (latitude/longitude/elevation/google maps). Once clicked a new window will be displayed. Type the location in the map point at field then click the green arrow. this will populate the latitude and longitude fields.
Custom Fields
These are additional fields that can be created by your Administrator.
Once all information is entered, click Save.
This area will display all existing locations. If you would like to rename, add or delete right click on the any of the locations listed. A menu will be displayed that will give you several options (add, delete etc.)
If you would like to narrow down your view, use the group by options and/or check the box to show/not show inactive locations.