Cost Ledgers

The Cost Ledger tracks all costs for your project by Cost Code, quantity, unit cost, total cost, and transaction type. This tool is typically used for integration with accounting systems, reporting, or for administrators to troubleshoot where PMWebs cost data is comming from.  This not typically a module that end users will ever use.
Navigation Path:  Cost Management > Budgets > Cost Ledgers
Cost Ledgers


You must select the Project to see the transactions for that project.

System ID

If you click on the System ID will open the individual data entry form where the entry came from.

Add, Edit, Void, and Delete Lines

Although not recommended you may use the 'Add' button to add an item into the Cost Ledger to manually adjust the information that shows up in cost reporting. 
Note: You may only Edit, Void, and Delete items thaty you manually created, you cannot adjust lines that were automatically created by PMWeb.

Worksheet Column

The worksheet column lets you know what type of transaction this is (i.e., budget, commitment, invoice, etc.).  These are the same worksheet columns types that can be selected when you set up a Cost Worksheet in the Define Worksheets module.