Furniture Work Order Initiation

<TODO>: Insert description text here... And don't forget to add keyword for this topic
  • FSR
  • Add new request (select appropriate request type)
  • Select the correct cost center
  • Verify contact & request by values
  • Provide summary title and detailed scope
  • Provide required custom fields
  • Submit
  • Obtain Approvals
  • Kara Review
  • Espie Approval
  • Generate Work Order
  • Work Order
  • Espie
  • Change Project to one of the annual furniture projects (recharge vs. non-recharge)
  • Update Progress
  • Update Priority
  • Add Notes to PM
  • Assign PM
  • PM
  • Update Progress
  • Update Remarks to Requestor
  • Update Priority
  • Update Notes
    Furniture Work Order Initiation

    Facility Service Request (FSR)

    1. Facility Service Request (FSR)
    <TODO>: Insert description text here...

    Request Review/Approval

    2. Request Review/Approval
    <TODO>: Insert description text here...

    Generate Work Order

    3. Generate Work Order
    <TODO>: Insert description text here...

    Assign Furniture Project Manager

    4. Assign Furniture Project Manager
    <TODO>: Insert description text here...

    Manage Work Order

    5. Manage Work Order
    <TODO>: Insert description text here...