Maintenance Contracts

This module allows you to create maintenance contracts.
Maintenance Contracts


Click to add a new maintenance contract.

Maintenance Contract Information

ID:  PMWeb will automatically populate this field.
Description:  Enter a description of the maintenance contract.
Type:  Select the type of contract.
Status:  Select the status.  If there is workflow configured, PMWeb will automatically update this field.
Bill To:  Select the bill to address
Bill To Address:  Enter the bill to address.
Contact:  Enter the contact.

Maintenance Contract Details

Overview:   Enter a brief description of the contract
Start:  Enter the date maintenance is to begin.
End:  Enter the date maintenance is to end.
Value:  Enter the amout of the contract.
Billing:  Select how the contract will be billed (annually, monthly etc.)

Linked Work Orders

Click Add to link the work orders that are associated with the maintenance contract.  Once Add is clicked, a window will be displayed which lists all existing workorders on the left hand side of the screen.  To link them to the maintenance contract, drag and drop from the left hand side of the screen and then click left (bottom right). 


Once all information is entered click Save.