
My Settings

The "My Settings" tab allows you to change what is displayed on your homepage. This includes news, weather, links, etc. Users can also change their login credentials, password, etc.
Note:  The ability to see or configure Home Page Tabs, Controls Tab or Project Center is controlled by the PMWeb administrative team.
Navigation Path:  Home/Landing  Page > Homepage Options > My Settings
My Settings

Save/Save & Exit

 Click Save to save your data. Click Save & Exit to save your data and return to the homepage.


This feature allows you to delegate workflows which have been assigned to you.


This section displays your user/login credentials. For changes to your user name, please contact your PMWeb Administrator.


This section allows you to change your password.


This section allows you to change your settings regarding authentication cookies.  If you selected the "remember me button" when you logged in, this setting tells PMWeb what to do when you log out.


This section allows you to summarize your events rather than getting individual notifications for each event.


Click the image button to upload a photo of the User. The photo will then appear on the User's Home Page.


This section allows you to choose whether or not you would like the system to prompt to save when navigating away from a form. It also allows you to open PMWeb with the left side menu collapsed.

Home Page Tabs

This section allows you to modify which tabs appear on your home page. Check or uncheck the items you would like to be displayed and change the Tab Label as needed.
Note that items 002, and 007 are used to display reports or web pages, but you can add as many of the custom tabs as you wish. Select the yellow "sticky note" to determine which PMWeb Report, SQL (BI) Report, or web page you would like to view when you select the tab from the home page.

Configure Controls Tab

  This section allows you to choose which options are displayed on the controls tab of your home page. Check or uncheck the items you would like to be displayed

Configure Project Center Tab

This section allows you to choose which modules and forms will be displayed on the Project Center tab of your home page. Check or uncheck the items you would like to be displayed.