
Journal Entries

Navigation Path: Cost Management > Budgets > Journal Entries
Journal entries are used to log an adjustments to the Cost Ledger.  Journal Entries are only typically entered by PMWeb Administrators, to fix an error that previously as logged in the cost ledger and now needs to be adjusted for reporting purposes.
Journal Entries

Header Information

Fill in the necessary information: * denotes a required field
Project*: use the drop-down list to select the project.
Record #*: this field will be automatically generated once the record is saved, but can be edited.
Type: use the drop-down list to select the type.
Description: add a description.
Reference: enter a reference.
Category: use the drop-down list to select the category.
Status: this field will be automatically updated if you link a workflow with this record type. If not, you can change it manually.
Revision: this field will be automatically populated by PMWeb (the starting revision number is setup by your PMWeb Administrator).
Date: this field will be automatically generated with today's date.
Net Amount: this field will be automaticallly populated based on the values entered in the details tab.


Click on the 2. Save icon to save your record.

Add Lines

In the Details grid, click on the 3. Add Lines button to create a single detailed transaction line. Use the drop-down options and textboxes (see Grid Detials below) to enter the information, then click Save

Add Cost Codes

If you want to adjust multiple cost codes at once you can use the 4. Add Cost Codes button, and the Cost Codes dialog opens. Drag and drop cost codes/groups from the left to the right and click Save and Close. Drag and drop cost codes from the left hand side to the right then click Save and Close.
Select the lines you just added and click Edit to modify the information (See Grid Details section below). Click on to save your changes in the budget request line(s).
Click on Save again to save your changes to the record.

Grid Details

Line #: This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb.
Cost Code*: Select the Cost Code associated with the line item.
Description: This field will be automatically populated by PMWeb based on the Cost Code selected. Note: you can also add or modify the description if needed.
Total Amount: Enter the total amount of the journal entry.
Worksheet Column*: Select the Cost Worksheet column the journal entry should appear in.  This column will effect where the transaction shows up in the cost ledger, cost worksheets and reporting.
Period: If you are tracking periods, select the budget/accounting period of the line item. The options available are configured by your Administrator in the Portfolio>Lists>Periods menu.
Req. Code: If you are using Requisions select a Requisition Code. The Requisition codes are first entered in Cost Management>Contracts>Contracts.
Notes: Enter details regarding the line item. Once all line item fields have been entered, click Save.